More so; a collection of people categorized broadly as a species of any race (black, brown, or white) man or woman that shares local social qualities for a particular municipality or environment in Corporate America. Mostly but not limited to the use of typical
government employees powers. They are usually sick, evil individuals that live only for their weekly small paychecks while attacking their everyday fellow brothers and sisters by
weaponizing rules, laws, policy, and code violations only to hurt their own well-being and future of their off-spring. These people (cracker bitches) operating
memorandum is similar to the stereotypical label of a "Karen" unnecessarily calling of the cops for any and every reason possible. Or snitching to the school principle. Or your best friend telling your secrets. Or filing grievances with your boss to get you fired. More so the phrase is confused with labeling only whites, but these days the blacks are becoming so hypocritical in their beliefs, and misunderstandings about the world we live in that they are cracker bitches to.